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Iz dnevnika marketinškega guruja 1. del


V knjigi boste našli 97 kratkih nasvetov za povečanje prodaje in dobička. Zanimivo in poučno branje. Vse na podlagi primerov, večinoma iz slovenske prakse. Če vas zanima marketing, če želite uspeti v poslu, potem je ta knjiga za vas.

Iz dnevnika marketinškega guruja 2. del


V knjigi boste našli 93 kratkih nasvetov za povečanje prodaje in dobička. Marketing, direktni marketing, prodaja, retorika, dobičkonosne ideje. Zanimivo in poučno branje, vse na podlagi primerov, večinoma iz slovenske prakse.

Iz dnevnika marketinškega guruja 3. del


V knjigi boste našli 105 kratkih nasvetov za povečanje prodaje in dobička. Zanimivo in poučno branje, vse na podlagi primerov, večinoma iz slovenske prakse. Marketing, direktni marketing, dobičkonosne marketinške ideje za vsak posel.


Aleš Lisac, Marketing, Direktni marketing, Trženje, Neposredno trženje, Retorika, Retorik, Javno nastopanje, Šola retorike, Prodaja, Povečanje prodaje, Zaslužek, Povečanje zaslužka, Oglaševanje, Guru, Coaching, Seminarji, Knjigarna, Dobre knjige, Svetovanje, Consulting,

Недорогое постельное белье в Киеве

<< nazaj Andy Bonuds - nova knjiga, hudo ugodno!
Dobre knjige
Komentarji:   0 27.04.2007

V nadaljevanju preberite Andyevo ponudbo. Andya sem v Slovenijo pripeljal že trikrat in še pride. O knjigi, ki jo predstavlja v nadaljevanju sva večkat govorila. Prepričan sem, da gre za odlično zadevo, čeprav je še nisem videl.

Knjigo bom naročil na amazonu 1. maja. Zakaj ravno prvega maja? Preberite celo zgodbo ...

Hi Ales
I hope you're well and that business is good for you.
We've got some exciting news...
My new book The Jelly Effect: How to Make Your Communication Stick is about to be launched on Amazon. It’s been described as “The most effective, original and insightful book on business communication that I have ever read” (BNI Founder, Dr Ivan R Misner) and it was ranked higher on Amazons Hot Future Releases list than Richard Branson’s new book!
Ales, I would really like to get my book to no.1 on Amazon. To help do this I have put together a very special offer for you.
If you buy The Jelly Effect on 1st May you will receive cutting-edge advice on every aspect of business communications from ten world experts… for FREE. I have chosen these ten people to be part of this offer because they are the best at what they do.
So, for only Ł7.79, you can get all this:-
• A copy of The Jelly Effect
• My new online audio show “The Most Powerful and Enjoyable Ways to Increase Sales”.
• All the free business advice:
 “51 marketing tips in 51 days” – marketing legend Drayton Bird;
 “How to Write Proposals That Win” - Tony Birch, CEO, Shipley Ltd;
 “Networking with business overseas” – Dr Ivan R Misner, Founder of BNI;
 “5 ways to break into online networking” – Dr Ivan R Misner;
 “The Psychology of Persuasion” - Phil Hesketh;
 “Selling Successfully on the Internet” - Graham Jones;
 “The Mindset to Succeed” - Paul McGee;
 “The top ten ways to raise your business’s profile” – Global PR Director Helen Mills;
 “How to prepare for – and excel in – media interviews” - Helen Mills;
 “Advanced Negotiating Skills” - Derek Arden;
 “Getting an Edge to your Marketing” - Hubbub Ltd.
This advice comes in a combination of reports, articles, audio online seminars and emails.
And you get all of them for only Ł7.79. There’s no catch. All this advice for less than a tenner.
And, the value to your business if you followed all this advice… well, it could run into the millions.
To get it, all you need do is:
1. Buy the Jelly Effect…
 on 1st May
 on
2. Then go to to claim all your free business advice.
If you would like us to send you a reminder to buy the book on the 1st May then simply go to
When I set up this offer, I wanted it to benefit everybody. You get all this cutting edge advice for only Ł7.79….and I get to no. 1 on Amazon!
Ales, if you think this offer is worth telling people about, (and I hope you do!), then please feel free to forward this on to your friend, colleagues and contacts.
Please let me know how you get on.
Very best
P.S Don’t forget to keep this email, since it has the website to access all this advice.
P.P.S - If you're interested, this is what people are saying about the book...
'The most effective, original and insightful book on business communication that I have ever read.'
Dr Ivan R. Misner, NY Times bestselling author of Truth or Delusion? And founder of BNI (Business Network International)

'I've spent 15 years in senior PR and Communications roles with blue chip companies and can honestly say, what Andy doesn't know about communications, isn't worth knowing!! He's a true genius and his advice is indispensable.'
Helen Mills, Global PR Director, AstraZeneca
'They say the definition of genius is the ability to make the complex simple. If that's the case then Andy Bounds is a genius. Right now you hold in your a hand a book packed with insight and ideas that makes the whole art of communication and connecting with people both easy to understand and apply. Yes, you'll have the occasional B.F.O.( Blinding Flash of the Obvious) moment and wonder why on earth you've never thought of some of the ideas before......truth is we need some one like Andy with his incredibly easy style of writing to wake us up to the obvious. I defy anyone who reads this book and applies the insights to their own business not to see a increase in both their profit and their profile'
Paul McGee, International speaker and best selling author of 'S.U.M.O. (Shut Up, Move On)'

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